Thoughts on The Intelligence Age

The coming era will bring prosperity, despite the humans shortcomings.
I agree with Sam on the statements that we are living in the world where things are going to accelerate very quickly. Minds have to adapt quickly in order to survive. This brings me back to the original idea of computers being “Bicycle for the Mind”. How will you term AI with its relationship to our biological existence?
Infrastructures behind the “free services” are molding us to become a smarter and progressing beings. Exponential growth will challenge the core human values and nature of our social animal behavior.
Just how phones became our companions, screens will be replaced and we’re off to have robots or just the voice which look after each and every aspect of daily lives.
Standards of living will increase significantly higher where everyone will be healthy and need for personal resources such as money in order to cure cancer will be eliminated.
Creating intelligence through sand still fascinate me to be optimistic about the future.
Deep learning has a long way to go, and its as important as creating computer devices to help us do things more quickly.
Next generation systems will be an entity which works on and by itself to give us the output. However, many breakthroughs and discoveries are needed to solve computing and infrastructure demands.
Steered the AI in right way, will become key to solve hard problems with insights and speed.
Being humble that how small we are in grand scheme of things and what we can accomplish with the tools like AI is the perspective everyone should walk with.
Moreover, Pearl has been making progress in Algorithms, breakthrough energy, and Space Infrastructure, every second.
At last, here’s the quote that I want to live you with which could help us create an almost fair AI ecosystem around the world: “there’s nothing wrong with ai. there’s a lot wrong with the human value set in the age of the rise of ai” by Mo Gawdat


– Yash Darji
Founder, Pearl